Search Results
James Doty and Yotam Heineberg - Empathy and Compassion in Society 2012 - Video 7
Compassion and Resilience - Dr. Yotam Heineberg
The future of psychology: Compassion-Focused Outcomes: Yotam Heineberg at TEDxHayward
Psychology of Compassion
CCARE Compassion and Healthcare 2014: Future Directions
Soaring with Compassionate and Embodied Practices, Therapies: Dr. Yotam Heineberg
Prof Paul Gilbert - The Fears of Compassion
Lecture: Dr. Philip G. Zimbardo
10%: What Makes a Hero? - Short Trailer - Dr. Phillip Zimbardo
Meng Wu Lecture: Dr. Kristin Neff
CCARE Science of Compassion Summer Research Institute July 2013
CCARE Science of Compassion Summer Research Institute July 2013